Criminals stabbed a young man named Shah Neyaj Rifat Sharif to death in broad daylight in front of Barguna Government College. A video of this incident has gone viral in the social media. In the presence of his wife and hundreds of people on the spot, Sharif was subjected to brutality. Sharif's wife Minni tried her level best to stop the miscreants but she failed.
Locals claim that two persons named Nayan Bond and Rifat Farazi stabbed Sharif, leaving him critically injured and Sharif breathed his last after being admitted to local hospital. Nayan Bond and Rifat Farazi are the leaders of local stalkers and they both maintain Gang. They are involved in drug abuse and snatching. Local people and the victims did not open their mouth in fear before but now all the evil deeds of the criminals are being revealed one by one.
The other incident is that in Jharkhanda extremist Hindus killed a Muslim youth named Tebrej stringing him with a pole for seven hours. What a shock! At this time he was forced to say 'Jai Sriram' and 'Joy Hanuman'. There is a storm of condemnation of this incident in social media. The incident occurred when US Foreign Ministry's report claimed that minority Muslims do not have any religious freedom in India. After coming to power in the second phase of the BJP, so-called guards and religious extremists again started the atrocities like killing Muslims. We have a great reason to be concerned about the way religious extremism arises in our neighbouring country.
Biswajit, the tailor of old Dhaka, came to my mind while I was watching the video of Rifat Sharif's stabbing. In a similar way, Biswajit was hacked to death. He was stabbed to death in broad daylight. Likewise, video footage of Biswajit killing had gone viral. Condemnation was noticed in social media. But sadly nobody came forward to protect him while he was being stabbed in front of hundreds just like what happened in Sharif's case.
The question is--in front of a hundred people an innocent man was stabbed by terrorists, but nobody came forward to save him. But why? There may be many reasons behind this. But I think the two main reasons are- the degradation of moral values and the distorted culture around.
Intolerance is increasing in people. One attacks another without mentionable reasons, at the same time people are being so self-cantered that they do not feel the need to stand against this enormity. Rather, they pass by or take photos, videos hoping for likes and comments. I must say these are the online beggars of the digital era. They started their revolution putting a status on Facebook staying at home. But in reality they have no role in the state or society. All their activities are limited to likes and comments on Facebook.
The tendency to stand beside each other and help the distressed people at the time of danger is decreasing day by day. None but human beings are responsible for it. In the modern era, with the spread of knowledge and science, human values are expected to be increased. But sadly, it is going extinct. The sick culture around us is prevailing. Disappearance, murder, terrorism and extra judicial killings are increasing day by day. Biswajit and Sharif are the examples of the absence of the rule of law. Besides, the state has been contriving to ensnare the revolutionaries.
There is no scope to deny that such type of incidence is a matter of extreme deterioration of law. In the absence of the rule of law and the democratic values, unrest is prevailing everywhere. If there is no rule of law and the state fails to take exemplary action against the guilty, unrest increases in the society. The numbers of miscreants are increasing and at the same time in the absence of the rule of law, they are doing everything at their sweet will and terrorising the people.
The fact that none will come forward to help others in such a scary situation considering personal security is known to all. Considering self-security, the common people tolerate all kinds of misdeeds done by the terrorists like Nayan Bond. People remain silent in the face of atrocities that occur right in front of their eyes. Some of them put status on social media protesting. Sadly one has to re-think even there is the ICT Act sued against him/her.
The common people know if they dare to ward off Noyon's Bond stabbing hand, innumerable followers of Noyon Bond will devour them at once. There are countless Nayan Bond in our country and they are organised. They are patronized and made for a group of people of the society. But the patronizers are behind the scene always. We can realise that Rifat Faraji and Nayan bond's saviour hands are far away from that after stabbing one to death in broad daylight.
The police remains inactive. Even if police arrests, terrorists like Nayan Bond quickly get out of jail and cause new misdeeds. The incident of the death of Rifat occurred in the presence of hundreds of people. Police claims the spot is under their CCTV cameras. According to the rules, CC TV has a control room for surveillance.
So after the incident, why did not the police immediately take action against the accused? However, the prime accused Nayan Bond was killed in gunfight with police but is this permanent solution? Who patronize Nayan Bond, a deep analysis is running on this question. The local Awami League is divided into two groups, one party blaming the other. We are accustomed to take a look at such situation after happenstance. We also anticipate if the media turns away from this incident, all will be suppressed. Bangladesh must be out of this indiscipline.
To ensure rest in society, apart from the arrest of the accused directly involved in this heinous murder, the patrons of terrorists should be brought under the law and provided exemplary punishments at any cost. If the state fails to exterminate its roots then a new one could be added on the list of Biswajit and Shah Neyaj Rifat Sharif.